Cosmetology Schools Near Toledo, OH

If you are considering becoming a cosmetologist in Ohio, Toledo may be a great place to begin your career. With a variety of beauty businesses, wedding venues, and performing arts centers and groups, you may be able to find work in whichever field of cosmetology that interests you.

Toledo cosmetologists earned a mean salary of $27,210 per year ($13.08 per hour) as of 2019. The state anticipates jobs in the field to grow by 12% between 2016 and 2026, which is higher than the national average.

To become a full-fledged cosmetologist in Ohio, you must complete 1,500 hours of training and pass two exams. If you're going for your hairstylist license, you need to fulfill 300 training hours. The Toledo schools below can help you meet these requirements.

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Paul Mitchell The School

Program: Cosmetology

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Aveda Institute

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